• Balooee, Javad (Department of Mathematics Sari Branch Islamic Azad University)
  • Received : 2011.02.21
  • Published : 2013.04.30


This paper is dedicated to study a new class of general nonlinear random A-maximal $m$-relaxed ${\eta}$-accretive (so called (A, ${\eta}$)-accretive [49]) equations with random relaxed cocoercive mappings and random fuzzy mappings in $q$-uniformly smooth Banach spaces. By utilizing the resolvent operator technique for A-maximal $m$-relaxed ${\eta}$-accretive mappings due to Lan et al. and Chang's lemma [13], some new iterative algorithms with mixed errors for finding the approximate solutions of the aforesaid class of nonlinear random equations are constructed. The convergence analysis of the proposed iterative algorithms under some suitable conditions are also studied.



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Cited by

  1. On random variational-like inclusion involving relaxed monotone random operators vol.4, pp.1, 2017,