National Cancer Screening Program for Hepatocellular Carcinoma

간암의 국가암검진사업

  • Kim, Jin-Wook (Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine)
  • 김진욱 (서울대학교 의과대학 내과학교실)
  • Published : 2013.05.01


Surveillance of hepatocellular carcinoma has been implemented as a part of National Cancer Screening Program in Korea since 2003. The efficacy of the program in HCC screening is, however, to be validated yet. In this issue, Shim et al assessed the outcome of the program in a single-hospital based population, and showed that invitations for initial screening need to be modified to enhance the performance of the program.



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  1. 간세포암종 치료에 대한 한의 임상 가이드라인 vol.20, pp.1, 2013,