SCTTS: Scalable Cost-Time Trade-off Scheduling for Workflow Application in Grids

  • Khajehvand, Vahid (Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University) ;
  • Pedram, Hossein (Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)) ;
  • Zandieh, Mostafa (Department of Industrial Management, Shahid Beheshti University)
  • 투고 : 2013.07.19
  • 심사 : 2013.11.16
  • 발행 : 2013.12.12


To execute the performance driven Grid applications, an effective and scalable workflow scheduling is seen as an essential. To optimize cost & makespan, in this paper, we propose a Scalable Cost-Time Trade-off (SCTT) model for scheduling workflow tasks. We have developed a heuristic algorithm known as Scalable Cost-Time Trade-off Scheduling (SCTTS) with a lower runtime complexity based on the proposed SCTT model. We have compared the performance of our proposed approach with other heuristic and meta-heuristic based scheduling strategies using simulations. The results show that the proposed approach improves performance and scalability with different workflow sizes, task parallelism and heterogeneous resources. This method, therefore, outperforms other methods.


1. Introduction

To build utility computing systems, they need to consists of a component model, a methodology, a set of tools and common services. A utility computing system is a system that automatically creates and manages multiple utility services on a shared infrastructure. The infrastructure consists of pools of the hardware resources, such as servers, storage and network tools, as well as software resources [1]. A utility Grid gives an economy model in which users pay service providers for their services due to factors such as the Quality of Service (QoS) provided.

To conduct large-scale computations, the grid environment software and hardware resources are supported by the shared distributed infrastructures. To execute applications in sciences such as earthquake [2], astronomy [3], high energy physics [4] and etc., these infrastructures have proven to be highly efficient. Workflows constitute a common model for describing a wide range of applications in distributed environments. The workflow is represented in a “Direct Acyclic Graph” (DAG) with nodes and edges representing the tasks and data dependencies among the tasks, respectively.

Once an application is transformed into the workflow structure, workflow management system will be ready to control and manage the execution of workflow on a distributed infrastructure. A taxonomy of Grid workflow management systems is found in [5]. Workflow scheduling problem is mapping each task on a suitable resource and ordering the tasks on each resource to satisfy performance criterion. Existing Grid scheduling methods try to minimize the execution time (makespan) or the execution cost of the workflows. Moreover, in utility Grids, there is much potential to study the combinations of QoS attributes.

The current methods mostly are not designed for minimizing the cost and time. Considering these QoS attributes, the scheduler faces a time-cost tradeoff in selecting appropriate services, which belongs to the multi-objective optimization problem family. However, none of these papers considered the issue of scalability.

There are three classes of approaches to the problem of multi-objective scheduling [6]. The first class of the approaches extends the definition of optimality to pareto optimality [7-10]. The second one is bi-criteria scheduling approaches, usually limited to optimizing two specific objectives [10-18]. The last one optimizes a linear combination of multiple scheduling objectives with a different weight value assigned to each one of them [9, 19, 20]. This last class assumes that the user is able to specify the requirements in such a model. This method is an easy way to express users’ requirements; this method also helps researchers with simplifying the problem at the same time it proposes an effective performance solution. Many researchers use this method to develop algorithms for multi-objective scheduling problem. Due to the complexities of this problem, however most of these methods use time consuming meta-heuristic approaches [8, 9, 21] e.g., Genetic Algorithms.

To address this problem, there are few fast and efficient heuristic methods. The method in [20] is one of them. This method [20] relies on scheduling parallel application, whereas our method is based on scheduling workflow tasks. It is worth noting that in [20] the issue is proposed for future works. Workflows are loosely-coupled parallel applications that consist of a set of computational tasks linked via data dependencies, unlike tightly-coupled applications, such as parallel application, in which tasks communicate directly via the network. Workflow tasks typically communicate using the files. Each task in a workflow produces one or more output files that become input files to other tasks. If tasks are run on different computational nodes, these files will be either stored in a shared file system, or transferred from one node to the next one by the workflow management system [22, 23]. Therefore, the method presented in [20], is not able to schedule workflow tasks.

Due to the different resource consumers and providers, the scheduling problem becomes highly complicated and NP-complete [24] in such an environment so that each party seeks its own profits. So the resource consumers and providers act independently at the same time pursuing conflicting aims. The resource consumers seek the minimum time and cost for scheduling application, whereas the main focus of resource providers is on the resource utilization gains. Thus, the main users’ challenge in this environment will be scheduling an application on the heterogeneous resources. In this case, the users have no explicit control on minimizing both the time and cost. It is also scalable due to an increase in the workflow size, task parallelism and the number of resources.

This study-base is inspired by efforts to combine application management system and resources management system. To execute the workflow tasks, the resource slots required by the workflow tasks, can be virtually obtained by a resource provisioning system. In general, the cost of task execution can be computed according to the task allocation cost and task execution time. Cost and makespan optimization is of great importance due to the resources heterogeneity and scalability relative to an increase in the required number of processors, workflow size and the number of the resources.

This paper introduces a Scalable Cost-Time Trade-off (SCTT) model to schedule workflow application tasks for cost-makespan optimization. The model allows users to identify the degree of the significance of each optimization objective using adjusting the trade-off factor. Trade-off involves losing a quality or an aspect of criteria in return for gaining another quality or aspect. It often implies that a decision has to be made with full comprehension of both the upside and downside of a particular choice; the term is also used in an evolutionary context, in which case the selection process acts as the "decision-maker". A decision in which you need to choose between two opposite objectives or cannot be satisfied at the same time.

Scalability is an important designing goal in a grid computing. A system can be scalable with respect to its size, i.e. we can increase the workflow size and resources. To schedule workflow tasks, based on the proposed SCTT model, we have developed a heuristic algorithm known as Scalable Cost-Time Trade-off Scheduling (SCTTS). To optimize cost and time (makespan) on heterogeneous resources, our proposed heuristic algorithm schedules parallel workflow tasks according to the trade-off factor based on scalability. The main contributions of the paper include:

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related works. In section 3 the details of the proposed model and heuristic algorithm are described. Section 4 deals with a simulation setup. In section 5, the relevant experiments for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed algorithm are described with results analysis. Finally, section 6 ends with a conclusion and future works.


2. Related Work

Workflow scheduling problem has been extensively studied and a number of scheduling algorithms have been proposed. There is a comprehensive introduction on the job scheduling strategies [25, 26]. In [27], the computational models are surveyed for grid scheduling problems and their resolution.

Workflow scheduling algorithms are classified into two main groups: best effort and QoS constraint based scheduling [28]. The first group are further classified into four groups: list scheduling heuristics [5, 12, 29, 30], clustering heuristics [31, 32], task duplication heuristics [31, 32] and guided random search [31-35]. But in QoS-based, there are few works addressing workflow scheduling with QoS. They mainly consider the makespan or execution cost of the workflow as the major QoS attribute. As a result, they are suitable for community Grids, moreover, in utility Grids, there is much potential to study the combinations of QoS attributes. The current methods mostly are not designed with the aim of minimizing the cost and time. Also, the scalability relative to an increase in the workflow size, task parallelism and heterogeneous resources is scarcely considered.

Therefore, there are few fast and efficient heuristic methods addressing this problem. One of them is the method in [20]. This method [20] relies on scheduling parallel applications, whereas our method is centered on scheduling workflow tasks and also includes scalability. Due to the data dependencies among tasks, scheduling workflow tasks becomes more complex than scheduling parallel application.

There are a handful studies conducted on the cost optimization of workflow scheduling close to the current paper’s study. In [21] a genetic algorithm is proposed to find an optimized mapping of tasks on resources, minimizing both financial cost and makespan. This approach is developed in [8, 9] presenting cost-based model in which resource providers advertise available resource slots to users. A multi-objective genetic algorithm is presented capable of provisioning a subset of resource slots to minimize application makespan under minimum resource allocation cost. The main difference between these cost minimization algorithms and our proposed algorithm lies in the fact that their works do not pay attention to the heterogeneity of the resources. Thus, their entire resources possess identical CPU rating as well as cost processing whereas, our proposed method pays attention to heterogeneous clusters with different processing cost and CPU rating in real-world Utility Grid environments. Hence, our focus on resource heterogeneity makes the selection of appropriate resource become very complex.

To allocate a task to a resource, in [36], we presented a preliminary version of the proposed algorithm so that it selects a task with a minimum first fit cost-makespan objective function. Again, in [37], this algorithm is expanded to study the impact of the trade-off factor on the degree of the significance of allocation cost to makespan. However, none of these two papers considered the issue of scalability. While, in the proposed approach, a cost based workflow scheduling model and a heuristic scheduling algorithm are added according to the proposed model. To optimize cost to makespan with respect to scalability, the proposed approach schedules parallel workflow tasks even with a lower runtime complexity.


3. Proposed Model and Heuristic Algorithm

In general, users need two QoS: service prices (cost) and execution time (makespan) of their application scheduling on pay-per-use services [7, 38]. Users, normally tend to run their applications in as the lowest makespan and cost as possible. The trade-off factor (α) represents the user’s preference between the allocation cost and the makespan. The trade-off factor is a number between 0 to 1. If “trade-off factor=0”, the allocation cost will be insignificant, while the makespan will become significant. So the existing problem becomes time (makespan) optimization problem. If “trade-off factor=0.5”, both allocation cost and makespan will be of equal importance, in other words, the main issue will become the cost-time optimization. The scheduler needs to distribute the tasks on the resources to satisfy both criteria. If “trade-off factor=1” the makespan will be insignificant. As a result the problem becomes a cost optimization one, so due to the allocation cost, the scheduling algorithms need to seek economic resources.

In this section, based on a model known as the SCTT model, the workflow scheduling problem will be discussed. Moreover, to optimize workflow cost-time, workflow scheduling problem will be solved. According to SCTT model, a scalable heuristic algorithm will be developed to solve workflow scheduling problem.

3.1 The Proposed SCTT Model

The proposed model consists of a set of heterogeneous users and resources. The users request the execution of an application. R is a set of resources in an environment. The resources are considered by a set of time slots where each time slot contains a start time, a finish time and a number of the available processors.

A workflow application is represented in a DAG. A DAG is defined as G = (V,T), where V is a set of nodes so that each node represents a task and T is a set of links, each link representing the computation precedence order between two tasks. For example, a link (i, j) ∈ T represents the precedence constraint of the task vi that needs to be completed before task vj starts. The data is a V*V matrix of communication data, where dij is the amount of data required to be transmitted from task vi to task vj. In a workflow, a task which does not have any parent task is known as an entry task, denoted as v0 and a task which does not have any child task is known as an exit task, denoted as vn+1. For simplicity, the application is assumed to have a single entry task and a single exit task. If there is more than one entry task or exit task in the workflow, they will be connected to a zero-time pseudo entry/exit task.

If task t is executed on one of the available slots of the resource r, its Estimated Execution Time (EET) will be represented by EET(i,r). The Estimated Allocation Cost (EAC) of task i on the slots of resource r is obtained by the following equation:

where Cr is an allocation cost of each slot time of the resource r for a single processor in time unit. Furthermore RNPi is the required number of processors of the task i.

As the application is defined in DAG form, there needs to be a data dependency between application tasks. If two dependent tasks are to be executed on the slots of the same resource File Transfer Cost (FTC) will be negligible. Otherwise its FTC needs to be taken into account. Also, assuming that there is a parallel data transfer between different resources, maximum value of the FTC needs to be considered as a file transfer cost. So the total FTC(TFTC) for allocating task j on resource r is computed by:

where parentTasks is a set of the predecessor tasks of a task. To solve workflow scheduling problem, we find a resource that minimizes TFTC. As we see in Eq.(2) if two tasks i, j with a data data dependency are allocated on the slots of the same resources, its FTC will becomes negligible.

To compute Earliest Start Time(EST) of each eligible task on each resource slot, the following recursive equation is used:

where Estimated Available Time (EAT) is the available slot of resource r for executing task j. The inner block of Eq.(3) is used for computing Earliest Finish Time(EFT) of immediate predecessor tasks of the desired task. If the desired task has more than one immediate predecessor task, the maximum EFT of immediate predecessor tasks will be considered as the EST of immediate successor task. Eq.(3) computes the EST of each task in recursive and bottom up approach so that it starts from computing the EST of the input task and finally ends with computing the EST of the output task. Therefore, the EST of the input task is initialized with simulation current time.

To obtain the EST of each task based on Eq. (3), the EFT of execution of each task will be obtained:

The resource whose slots have the minimum allocation cost and execution finish time of an eligible task, is obtained by Eq. (5). The value of alpha (α) is a number between 0 and 1 which is considered as a constant trade-off factor. This trade-off factor shows the degree of the significance of allocation cost to execution finish time

where eligibleTasks is a set of tasks whose execution of parents’ tasks have been completed. NEAC and NEFT show normal values of EAC and EFT respectively obtained by the following equation:

As the values range of both target parameters EAC and EFT differ from one another, values normalization is important. After obtaining the best resource for executing each eligible task, the task that minimizes cost metric of Eq. (8), is the task to be allocated to the best related resource.

When all of the application tasks are allocated to the resources slots according to the above-mentioned equations, the allocation cost and makespan of application will be computed according to the two following equations:

The objective function of the workflow scheduling problem is a multi-objective one that is obtained by minimizing the allocation cost and makespan. The objective function is stated as the following equation:

To solve the workflow scheduling problem, a heuristic algorithm is developed in the section 3.2, based on the presented model in this section.

3.2 The Proposed SCTTS Heuristic Algorithm

To solve workflow scheduling problem, based on proposed SCTT model, the SCTTS heuristic algorithm is developed. The proposed model schedules application tasks to optimize cost and time on heterogeneous resources in a scalable manner. Details of the algorithm are described in this section.

As the application is in the form of DAG, therefore, it is necessary to consider task execution precedence during scheduling application tasks. Also, as the resources are selected from a heterogeneous distributed environment, to execute the tasks, there are many options for scheduling. Since in the scheduling process one seeks to optimize two objectives, cost and time, so to show the degree of importance of one objective to another one, a trade-off factor is necessary. The suitable slots are, therefore, selected according to objective function in Eq. (11).

The SCTTS pseudo-code is shown in algorithm 1, which is based on the proposed SCTT model. At first, the algorithm obtains the list of unscheduled tasks (line 1). Then, the unscheduled tasks are scheduled in the process of executing lines 2 to 19. For scheduling the tasks, a list of all eligible tasks to be executed is obtained (line 3). An eligible task is a task whose execution of all of its parent tasks are completed. The best resource needs to be obtained for executing each eligible task (lines 4 to 13). A list of all tasks which are parent tasks of eligible task j is obtained according to line 5. To execute eligible task j, slots of the available resource are examined (lines 6 to 11). In the process of line 7, the list of available slots of resource r is obtained. File transfer cost for executing task j on resource r is computed by Eq. (2) (line 8). According to Eqs. (3) and (4), EST and EFT of task j are computed on resource slots r respectively (line 9 and 10). Having computed EST and EFT of task j on all resources, we obtain the best resource according to Eq. (5) according to line 12. The algorithm selects the task that minimizes objective function of Eq. (8) as the best task according to Eqs. (5 to 7), (line 14). The best task is assigned to the best resource slots in order to be executed (line 15). Having assigned the best task to the best resource, the available slots characteristics need to be updated (lines 16 and 17). After scheduling the selected task, it needs to be deleted from the unscheduled tasks list (line 18). At the end of the scheduling process of all the tasks, the allocation task and makespan of the application are computed according to Eqs. (9) and (10), (lines 20 and 21).

Algorithm 1

3.3 Time Complexity

Supposing that k is the average number of the time slots available to the resource j in time t and n, m are the number of workflow tasks and the number of resources available to the system respectively, the main operations during executing the algorithm SCTTS is as follows:

Therefore, the resultant worst case time complexity of the SCTTS algorithm will be

3.4 The SCTTS Heuristic Example

Table 2 illustrates the SCTTS heuristic algorithm with a step-by-step explanation of the mapping of tasks in a sample workflow in Fig. 1(a). The sample workflow has five tasks denoted as v1, v2, v3, v4 and v5 with different execution time and data transfer requirements. As a workflow can have sub-workflows with multiple entries and exits, it is necessary to add two pseudo tasks i.e. a top task (v0) and a bottom task (v6), with zero execution time as Fig. 1(a) shows. While the top task spawns all actual entry tasks, the bottom task joins all actual exit tasks. Fig. 1(a) shows the output data of each task. The Table 1 shows the EET and EAC of each task. The tasks can be mapped to the slots of three Grid resources r1, r2 and r3 with different processing capability and transfer capacity.

Fig. 1.An example workflow and associated task scheduling using SCTTS heurestic algorithm

Table 1.The workflow task execution characteristics

First, the parents’ tasks of each eligible task is obtained as shown in Table 2. Using the proposed model, EAT, TFTC, EST and EFT of each eligible task is calculated, (Section 3.1). Using the obtained values, we obtain NEAC and NEFT i.e. Eqs. (6) and (7) which are normal values of EAC and EFT respectively. Having computed EST and EFT of task j on all resources, we obtain the best resource slot according to Eq. (5) for each step. The algorithm selects the task that minimizes objective function of Eq. (8) as the best task according to Eqs. (5 to 7). The best task is assigned to the best resource slot for being executed. Having assigned the best task to the best resource, the available slots characteristics need to be updated. After scheduling the selected task, it needs to be deleted from the unscheduled tasks list. This process will be repeated for all steps. In the end of the scheduling all the tasks, the allocation task and makespan of the workflow will be computed according to Eqs. (9) and (10). Table 2 illustrates the SCTTS heuristic algorithm with a step-by-step explanation of the mapping of each task on the resource slot.

Table 2.Step-by-step explanation of SCTTS heurestic algorithm

As an illustration, Fig. 1(b) presents the scheduling of the workflow tasks obtained by the SCTTS heuristic algorithm for the sample workflow of Fig. 1(a). The execution makespan and allocation cost are 33.2 and 39.2 respectively.


4. Environment Simulation Setup

In this section, we study simulation environment characteristics. The Grids testbed platform environment which is modeled in this simulation, consists of ten sites of a subset of European Data Grid (EDG) spread across five countries which are interconnected via high-speed network links [20, 39]. The mean bandwidth value of the resources is 10 Gb/s with a mean latency time of 150 s. Table 3 shows the resources configuration on the grid testbed in order to simulate the distribution system including the cost of using a processor, CPU rating, number of CPUs and site-location of each resource. Each resource configuration is selected so that modeled environment reflects resource heterogeneity [20].

The workload simulated on these sites is based on the workload model generated by Lublin [40]. The main purpose of using this model is to create a more realistic simulation environment where the tasks compete with each other. Table 4 shows the workload parameters values applied to in the Lublin model.

Table 3.Simulated EDG testbed resources

Table 4.Lublin workload model parameter values

To conduct experiments, parameterized graph generator is used for creating a synthetic workflow [32]. Table 5 shows the workflow application characteristics as in [9].

Table 5.Workflow application characteristics

A benchmark application scheduling algorithm that uses the best-effort QoS for scheduling is simulated and tagged as the BE. In the BE, the exploited heuristic method selects a resource with the minimum number of tasks in the waiting and running queues [9].

A different benchmark application scheduling algorithm using cost model, is presented by Singh et al. [8, 9]. Their algorithm has provisioned a set of slots to optimize performance under minimum allocation cost in order to execute application on provisioned slots. This cost-modeled algorithm manages a trade-off between makespan and allocation cost based on the trade-off factor. Also scheduling is conducted using multi-objective genetic algorithm [41]. It is tagged as the MOGA for brevity [8, 9].

For our experiments, we use the GridSim [42-44] to simulate both benchmark algorithms, testbed platform environment and workload on an Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T9600, 2.80 GHz computer.

We compare our proposed heuristic denoted as SCTTS with the MOGA and BE algorithms by conducting a number of experiments, in which we simulate a variety of real-world scenarios. The three performance metrics used to evaluate the scheduling approaches are the average makespan, allocation cost and runtime. In next section the obtained simulation results will thoroughly be analyzed.


5. Results Analysis

This section involves a comparison and analysis of the application performance results with objectives such as the makespan, allocation-cost and runtime of the proposed SCTTS algorithm along with the MOGA and the BE algorithms [8, 9]. Also, it will show how the proposed heuristic schedules the application on the distributed resources at the same time, optimizing the makespan and allocation cost in minimum runtime. According to the mentioned characteristics in section 4, a synthetic workflow application is produced with “trade-off factor=0.5” [8, 9]. The rest of the simulation parameters is compatible with the setup in section 4. The Y-axis is drawn in logarithmic scale to make the results discernible

5.1 The Trade-off Factor Impact

This section examines an experiment conducted for studying the variability impact of the trade-off factor on the makespan and allocation-cost whose results will be analyzed. Fig. 2 shows the variability impact of the trade-off factor on allocation-cost of three algorithms: the SCTTS, the MOGA and the BE on the heterogeneous resources. Obviously, in all instances except when the trade-off factor is zero, the allocation cost of the SCTTS algorithm becomes less than both the BE and MOGA algorithms. There seems to be an abnormality in “trade-off factor=0” however, it is not true as the workflow scheduler is seeking a resource with the lowest time, whereas the allocation-cost is insignificant. In other words, according to the cost metric of Eq. (8), the allocation-cost will have no effect.

Fig. 2.Variability impact of the trade-off factor on workflow allocation cost

Fig. 3.Variability impact of the trade-off factor on workflow makespan

Fig. 3 shows the variability impact of the trade-off factor on the makespan during the workflow scheduling using three algorithms: the SCTTS, MOGA and BE on the heterogeneous resources. In all cases, except when the trade-off factor is equal to 1, the makespan of the SCTTS algorithm `is less than both the MOGA and BE algorithms. The abnormality which develops in “trade-off factor=1” is logical, because the workflow scheduler seeks resource slots with the minimum allocation cost for assigning a single task, whereas the execution time is insignificant, that is, according to the cost metric definition of Eq. (8), the makespan will have no effect. According to the cost metric function, both objectives are to be considered. Observing simultaneously Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 indicates the SCTTS algorithm can obtain the best solution in all cases. Therefore, the proposed approach can be used for solving the allocation cost optimization, makespan optimization and cost-makespan optimization. We included the confidence intervals in the simulation results in appendix 1 of the manuscript. Moreover, to reinforce the statistical level of the results, paired sample t-test are conducted and reported. It is worth mentioning that these statistical results are only provided for this section to statistically show the superiority of the proposed algorithm.

5.2 Impact of The Workflow Size on The Performance

A few experiments have been conducted to determine the impact of the workflow size on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime in terms of the number of the application tasks. It is followed by an analysis of the comparison between the SCTTS, MOGA and BE algorithms. In these experiments, the application characteristics are similar to those in section 4. The experiments were conducted with the application tasks’ sizes of 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 in order to study its impact on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime in the application scheduling according to the increasing number of the application tasks.

Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 show the impact of the workflow size on the allocation cost and makespan in the application scheduling, respectively. As Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 indicate that the allocation cost and makespan of the proposed algorithm in all instances are around 82% and 31% less than the MOGA algorithm, respectively and also, one order of magnitude less than the BE algorithm. The low cost and makespan in the proposed algorithm is explained by the fact that it selects a slot with the minimum start-time for running the eligible task from the whole existing slots according to the cost metric of Eq. (8). However, the MOGA algorithm randomly selects a subset of the slots for scheduling the whole tasks. According to the existing data dependency among workflow tasks, if the execution of an eligible task is postponed, it will result in lengthening the makespan. In the BE algorithm, as long as the executions of the parent tasks are not completed, child-tasks will not be submitted. As the workflow graph depth is , the higher the number of the tasks (n) are, the deeper the workflow will be. Eventually, an increase in the workflow graph depth causes an increase in the number of the times a task needs to wait, resulting in an increase in the makespan.

Fig. 4.Workflow size impact on workflow allocation cost

Fig. 5.Workflow size impact on workflow makespan

Fig. 6 shows the SCTTS, MOGA and BE algorithms’ runtime relative to an increase in the number of the application tasks. As the figure shows, the proposed algorithm in all instances of an execution is almost three orders of magnitude less than the MOGA and the BE algorithms. The low time-complexity of the proposed algorithm is explained by the fact that it seeks the best slot for a single task just once, while the MOGA algorithm is implemented based on the genetic algorithm repetitively. One of the disadvantages of the genetic algorithms is length of their runtime. Moreover, in order to seek a subset of proper slots, the MOGA algorithm needs to repetitively plan the whole chromosomes of each generation of the population so that the best solution of each generation can be selected. The whole process involves a very high time-complexity. Therefore, the higher the number of the application tasks, the longer the runtime of the algorithm is. According to Fig. 6, if the number of the workflow tasks increases from 300 tasks to 500 tasks in the MOGA algorithm, its runtime will increase around one order of magnitude. The BE algorithm employs the best-effort service while disregarding the cost metric optimization. After the execution of all parent tasks of the corresponding task are completed, the execution of the desired task will cause the runtime to lengthen.

Fig. 6.Workflow size impact on application runtime

According to Fig. 6, due to an increase in the application tasks even when it is running 500 tasks, the SCTTS algorithm requires much lower runtime. The runtime required by the SCTTS algorithm is around 6.7 second for 500 tasks to be executed, whereas in the MOGA algorithm, the application runtime lasts almost one hour and twenty minutes. As a result, the SCTTS algorithm is scalable caused by an increase in the application tasks as well as capable of scheduling huge applications with the lowest runtime in a heterogeneous environment.

5.3 Impact of The Task Size on Performance

In this section, a few experiments were conducted for studying impact of a task size on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime of the scheduling algorithms. Next, the SCTTS, MOGA and BE algorithms are compared to one another. The task size is the number of the required processors all of which need to be available for execution. In these experiments, the application characteristics are the same as the ones in section 4 taking into account the average number of the required processors of each task: 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 100, respectively. The higher the average number of the required processors for application tasks are, the higher the degree of the task parallelism is. These experiments are intended to study the impact of an increase in the application tasks parallelism on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime

Fig. 7 shows impact of a task size on the allocation cost of the application scheduling. As Fig. 7 indicates the allocation cost of the SCTTS algorithm decreases more than 60% compared to the MOGA algorithm due to an increase in the degree of the tasks parallelism in all instances. Also, the allocation cost of the SCTTS algorithm decreases in all instances almost one order of magnitude compared to the BE algorithm caused by an increase in the degree of the tasks parallelism. Fig. 8 shows impact of a task size on the makespan in the application scheduling. According to Fig. 8, the makespan of the SCTTS algorithm is better than the MOGA algorithm in terms of an increase in the degree of task parallelism in all instances. However, due to the fact that an increase in the degree of the task parallelism, the makespan of the SCTTS and MOGA algorithms decreases one order of magnitude in all instances compared to the BE algorithm. Thus, a concurrent observation of Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 in corresponding cases, demonstrates that the SCTTS algorithm has a better performance compared to both BE and MOGA algorithms.

Fig. 7.Task size impact on application allocation cost

Fig. 8.Task size impact on application makespan

Fig. 9 shows the impact of a task size on the runtime in the application scheduling. As Fig. 9 shows the SCTTS algorithm runtime is at least three orders of magnitude less than the BE and MOGA algorithms in all instances. It is observed in Fig. 9, when the results of the BE and MOGA algorithm are compared, the abnormalities appear, that is, the runtime of the BE algorithm takes less time than the MOGA algorithm does as long as the average number of the required task processors remains less than 10. The abnormalities are due to the resource scheduling policy in the BE algorithm which is based on the best effort quality of service. Similarly, because of the low degree of the tasks parallelism, there are many ready slots for running each single task. Therefore, in such circumstances, the BE algorithm is more suitable than the MOGA algorithm in terms of the runtime. However, once the average number of the required tasks processors exceeds 10 processors, the runtime of the BE algorithm increases one order of magnitude compared to the MOGA algorithm. It is explained by the fact that the BE algorithm submits each single task to a resource with the least number of tasks in waiting and running queues. Also, the BE algorithm cannot schedule the tasks with a higher degree of the tasks parallelism in an earlier start-time. As a result, waiting time for the fulfillment of the parent task of each single task will become longer which results in a longer runtime.

Fig. 9.Task size impact on workflow runtime

The importance of the experiments is shown by the fact that the impact of the results of an increase in the degree of the tasks parallelism becomes clear. As the results of Fig. 7, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 show, the SCTTS algorithm may deliver a better performance for scheduling the applications with higher degrees of the task parallelism that optimizes the cost-makespan.

5.4 Impact of The Number of Resources

A few experiments are also conducted for studying the impact of the number of the resource providers on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime of the algorithms. The performances of the SCTTS, MOGA and BE algorithms were compared. In these experiments the application characteristics are as the same as the ones in section 4. The experiments are conducted on a number of different resource providers. According to Table 3, firstly, the experiments are conducted on the first three resources, secondly, on the first five resources, next, on the first seven resources after that, on the first nine resources and finally, on the entire ten resources. The impact associated with the different numbers of the resources on the allocation cost, makespan and runtime in the application scheduling are to be considered.

Fig. 10 shows the impact of the different numbers of the resources on the allocation cost. The cost of the proposed algorithm is almost 40% lower than that of the MOGA algorithm as well as one order of magnitude of the BE algorithm in all cases, except in case, there are 3 and 5 resources. As Fig. 10 indicates, with an increase in the number of resources, there is an increase in the allocation cost of the MOGA algorithm compared to the SCTTS algorithm. This increase in the cost is explained by the fact that an increase in the number of resources results in an increase in the number of slots, bearing it in mind that the MOGA algorithm is implemented by a genetic algorithm. The number of the slots constitutes the number of the solution chromosomes’ genes. As a result, with an increase in the number of the resources, there will be an increase in the number of the genes. Thus the algorithm is trapped in the local optimized solutions.

Fig. 11 shows the impact of the number of the resources on the makespan. The makespan of the proposed algorithm is 14% lower than that of the MOGA algorithm as well as one order of magnitude compared to the BE algorithm.

Fig. 10.Impact of the number of resources on workflow allocation cost

Fig. 11.Impact of the number of resources on workflow makespan

Having concurrently observed Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 in corresponding instances, it is understood that in all instances the SCTTS algorithm gives a better performance compared to both MOGA and BE algorithms. Hence, the CTTS algorithm is scalable relative to an increase in the number of the resources. The allocation cost and makespan of the BE algorithm rises with a higher rate compared to both MOGA and CTTS algorithms according to an increase in the number of the resources. This rise is explained by the fact that the BE algorithm selects a resource for running the task with the lowest number of the waiting and running queues. As a result, the higher the number of the resources are, the more the available selections will be. Due to an increase in the number of the resource selections, it is likely that a resource selected for running a task, will be different to the resources which had run the parents’ tasks of the task. The explanation is that the BE algorithm almost ignores the data transfer minimization. As a result, the algorithm will be exposed to the data transfer cost from the resource which has executed the parent task to the resource which executes the child task. Eventually, there will be an increase in the allocation-cost and makespan.

Fig. 12 shows the impact of the number of the resources on the runtime of the algorithms. In all cases, the runtime of the proposed algorithm is as many as four orders of magnitude lower than both MOGA and BE algorithms. The long runtime of the MOGA algorithm is explained by the fact that the MOGA algorithm is a genetic-based algorithm which generally suffers from the disadvantage of a longer runtime. The longer runtime of the BE algorithm explains that each task needs to wait for its parents’ tasks to be completed. According to Fig. 12, although, the number of the resources increases, the runtime of the SCTTS algorithm remains constant. As a result, the SCTTS algorithm becomes scalable due to an increase in the heterogeneous resources of the grid environment. Therefore, the SCTTS algorithm can schedule the application in a more effective time.

Fig. 12.Impact of the number of the resources on application runtime


6. Conclusion and Future Works

This paper presents both the scalable SCTT model and the scalable SCTTS heuristic algorithm for scheduling parallel workflow application tasks in Utility Grids while optimizing the allocation cost and makespan. The results of the present study show the SCTTS algorithm is scalable caused by an increase in the workflow size, task parallelism and heterogeneous resources.

We also compared the SCTTS algorithm with the present best-effort and genetic-based algorithms. We evaluated the sensitivity of the SCTTS algorithm by the changes made in the degree of the significance of allocation cost and execution time. Also, the results show the proposed algorithm is scalable caused by an increase in the workflow size, task parallelism and heterogeneous resources with the lowest runtime. We conducted a few experiments on studying the impact of a workflow, task and resource sizes on the cost, makespan and runtime and we found that the proposed algorithm delivers a better performance for scheduling with higher degrees of the task parallelism.

A future extension of the work will consider the effect of uncertainties in the task runtime estimates. In the current model, we have assumed that the workflow tasks runtimes are known accurately. However, the task runtimes might be stochastic. This adds another variable to the problem. Ideally, we intend to provision more resources, since if the slot expires before the task completes, we will lose all the work. As an another extention, we intend to consider makespan, cost reliability, avalability and their combinations as resource utilization.


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