Analyzing the Science Words of Physics in 'Wise Life' Textbooks

'슬기로운 생활'에 수록된 물리 영역 과학 용어 분석

  • Received : 2013.02.06
  • Accepted : 2013.05.06
  • Published : 2013.05.31


The purpose of this study was to select the basic words of physics for science education which were learned through everyday life or school education and be foundation of learning science. For this, we collected all words in the 'Wise Life' textbooks by 7th and 2007 National Curriculum, and extract the science words. As a result, there were 8,970 words in 8 textbooks of 'Wise Life', and about 18% of them, 1,585 words, were science words. There were 266 kinds of science words and most of them were biology words. And the textbooks by 2007 National Curriculum had more science words than by 7th's. Finally we selected 24 basic words of science only in the physics area by comprehensively considering difficulty, need and frequency.
