Use of Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate and Recycled Brick Masonry Aggregate Concrete in Sustainable Construction

  • Schwerin, Dallas E. (Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management, University of North Carolina at Charlotte) ;
  • Cavalline, Tara L. (Department of Engineering Technology and Construction Management, University of North Carolina at Charlotte) ;
  • Weggel, David C. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
  • Accepted : 2013.02.01
  • Published : 2013.03.01


Use of recycled aggregates in portland cement concrete (PCC) construction can offer benefits associated with both economy and sustainability. Testing performed to date indicates that recycled brick masonry aggregate (RBMA) can be used as a 100% replacement for conventional coarse aggregate in concrete that exhibits acceptable mechanical properties for use in structural and pavement elements, including satisfactory performance in some durability tests. Recycled brick masonry aggregate concrete (RBMAC) is currently not used in any type of construction in the United States. However, use of RBMAC could become a viable construction strategy as sustainable building practices become the norm. This paper explores the feasibility of use of RBMAC in several types of sustainable construction initiatives, based upon the findings of previous work with RBMAC that incorporates RBMA produced from construction and demolition waste from a case study site. A summary of material properties of RBMAC that will be useful to construction professionals are presented, along with a discussion of advantages and impediments to use. Several quality assurance and quality control techniques that could be incorporated into specifications are identified.



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