택지개발지내 유치원 배치와 유아 통원거리에 관한 연구

A Study on Preschool Arrangement and Preschooler's Walking Distance in Housing Development

  • 발행 : 2013.09.25


Recently the early childhood education has more reenforced and the financial aid for early childhood education has also been increased. As increasing the requirement of regular educational system for 3-5 aged children, a number of new kindergartens should be established. Reports on population movement by the National Statistical Office show that the number of preschool age population has been decreased from 4.2million in 1995 to 2.7 million in 2012. As the equality of learning environment and quality of early education is emerging as an unfolding problem, each school district is concerned with proper arrangement within new city and urban housing site. This study aims at developing the proper walking distance for infants to walk and from kindergarten to house in order to arrange efficiently new preschools in urban housing sites. In doing so, it examines the present nationwide state of the early childhood education, kindergartens and related policies. In addition, it explores the home and abroad standards on kindergarten arrangement and walking preschooler's distance. The survey study about preschool preference and proper distance from house is followed. Finally, this study suggests that a kindergarten per 1,500 house-holders should be established in the new urban development site and that the infant's walking distance is restricted in 300-400 meter and the running time of school bus in 20 minutes. It proposes the ratio of public kindergartens to increase to the extent of 80%, because it is the global trend and gives a opportunity of education in kindergarten to the children in low income brackets.



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