앱생태계 기반 스마트홈 미래 시나리오를 위한 기초연구

The Basic Study on Future Scenarios of SmartHome Based on the App Ecosystem

  • 발행 : 2013.09.25


SmartHome(Home Automation) has achieved a remarkable development in a few decades. In ICT field, mobile app ecosystem has been created since the advent of I-phone. Due to the synergy effect of the app eco system, it has been applied to the various fields such as TV and car industry. Furthermore, app ecosystem is about to be applied to SmartHome as well. However, there is not enough researches about SmartHome based on the app ecosystem. Thus, this study looked into the app ecosystem through literature review and analyzed current status of apps for smart home control at app markets. Then, scenario method which is one of the prediction method is selected to see future of smart home based on the app ecosystem. This study does not show the final scenario, but find facts and basically organize these facts in this phase. For finding the facts, literatures related to smart TV and smart home app ecosystem for finding the facts were researched.



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