탄소저감형 도시 구현을 위한 가로망의 이동성 평가지표 개발에 관한 연구

A Study on the Development of Mobility Indicators for Evaluation of Low Carbon Green City

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


This paper proposes a set of evaluation indicators for mobility in the context of low carbon green city. Instead of focusing on the observable movements of people and vehicles, we conceptualize mobility as a potential function of the spatial configuration of street network that may facilitate or obstruct the movements. Among those indicators are total street length, mean travelling distance, the number of intersections, the number of cycles, and the skewness of distance distribution. We first establish a method of extracting a standard format of digital map from the OpenstreetMap platform and then proceed to analyze the relationship of the mobility indicators for the case of 28 worldwide city samples. Final discussions are made with regard to how we could employ the results for the benefit of the realization of sustainable urban form.



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