서울 근교 교외소비지역 '건축의 스펙타클화' 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on Characteristics of 'Architectural Spectacularization' in the Suburban Consumption Area Near Seoul

  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


Many kitsch and postmodern commercial buildings are scattered all over the suburban area near Seoul, Even though such buildings are excluded from the architectural discourse and the process of architectural education, they are not extinct but prosperous in the real society. It strongly means that they have effective methods of communication with the public and their specific characteristics. Thus, the purpose of this study is to analyze the formation of commercial buildings in the suburban area near Seoul and their common characteristics. In particular, it was examined from the spatial perspective of 'Spectacle' because the buildings in this area are sharing the spatial and architectural characteristics of theme park including Disney Land. To achieve the aim, firstly, the changes of architectural trends in the 1960's and the situation related to them in Korea were synthesized in the former part of the study. They are the emphasis on the communication with the public, the mediation of image consumption and the expression of symbolic forms, which are sustaining in the contemporary society and these trends can be linked to 'Urban and Societal Spectacularization'. Hence, the middle part of this study dealt with the characteristics of 'Spectacular Space' focusing on the analysis of 'The Society of Spectacle' written by Guy Debord; discreteness, presudo-experience and consumptivity. After deducting these characteristics, the last part concentrated on revealing that they are inevitably connected to the causes and factors of 'Spectacularization' in Korean suburban consumption area. Particularly, this study showed that the buildings in such a suburban area tried to be individually separated, media-superficialized and symbolically stylized.



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