근대기(近代期) 부산(釜山) 주요건축물(主要建築物)의 입지(立地) 및 계획적(計劃的) 특성(特性)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A Research Regarding the Position and Project Characteristics of the Busan Major Building Structures of Modern Times

  • 발행 : 2013.03.25


This study focuses on the position and project characteristics of the major building structures of the modern times in Busan, focusing on the urban districts and major building structures developed through the effect of historical events, changing times. The major building structures during the Japanese colonial era were mostly built on the street intersection. They were built in the manner of th the western building style and their symbolic emphasis was identified. This was a result of the colonial policy that integrated urban & construction planning. Meanwhile, some of the major building structures concentrated in a single district and disregarding the major roads were identified to show the characteristics of the district. It was for the development of city of Busan was centered around the district where the Choryang Waegwan was located since the Chosun dynasty. Busan also has building structures built with the influence of economy, society, and convenience, with no relations to major roads and streetcars. There are a number of building structures were not built following the western construction styles, which had rather simplified construction formats and some other buildings constructed according to the trends of time, as well.



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