한옥밀집지역의 도시조직 형성과 도시한옥의 특성 조사연구 -목포 용당동, 북교동 도시한옥밀집지역을 중심으로

Survey Research of Interaction Relation Between Urban Tissue and Hanok in Mokpo Hanok Residential Area

  • 조준범 (목포대학교 도시및지역개발학과) ;
  • 김영수 (서울시립대학교 서울학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2013.10.25


The purpose of this study is to analyze the relation between the components of urban tissue to define urban characteristics of Urban Hanok in Mokpo. The result is as follows; first, Urban Hanok had been converged to ㄱ-shaped Hanok. The Urban Hanok had been transformed from ㅡshaped Hanok which is typical traditional Hanok in Jeonnam Povince to ㄱ-shaped Hanok to respond against the high-density land use in urban area. The second, the urban tissue is divided into four patterns according to the composition and characteristics of components of urban tissue; (1)the reticulated pattern which is composed of non-orthogonal plots and curved linear alley, (2)the articulated pattern which is composed of orthogonal plots and short cul-de-sac, (3)the small block grid pattern which is composed of a double-lined group of plots surrounded by streets and orthogonal plots, and the large block grid pattern which is composed of a four or five-lined group of plots surrounded by streets and alley, (4)the four pattern have been different pattern according to the interactive relation among topography, waterway, existing alley, block and ㄱ-shaped Hanok. The third, the shorter side of plots tend to be placed on the side of alley. The direction of urban block axis follows W-E direction in Yongdang and follows an slope direction in Bukgyo. The fourth, the composition of Hanok plans in Bukgyo area was not changed by the position of its entrance but its composition in Yongdang area was changed by the position of its entrance. The fifth, the slender plots was formed by a result of interrelation of the compositions, characteristics of ㄱ-shaped Hanok and plots form.



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