표고 톱밥재배시 LED광파장에 따른 생육특성을 분석한 결과, 파장이 긴 적색광과 황색광에서 대길이가 길어지고 갓색이 연해지며, 파장이 짧은 청색광과 녹색광에서는 대길이가 짧아지고 갓색이 진해지는 현상을 보였다. 자실체 항산화활성은 광파장에 따른 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 2주기까지 배지당 자실체 수량은 녹색에서 159 g으로 형광등 121 g 대비 31% 증수효과가 있었다.
This study was carried out to elucidate suitable wavelength of light during development of fruit body in Lentinula edodes. The four colors of LED(Light Emitting Diode), blue, green, red and yellow, were irradiated for formation of fruit-body. The effect of color of LED at all growth stage, the lightness of cap showed darker in blue and green LED irradiation than that of red and yellow LED. The longer stipe were resulted in longer wavelength. And the activity of anti-oxidant did not showed big differences according to LED wavelength. We obtained higher commercial yields and lower ratio of abnormal fruit body in green LED than those in control(fluorescent lamp).