국내종합병원의 연대별 병원지형 변화에 관한 연구

A Study on the Chronological Hospital Geography Change of General Hospital

  • 발행 : 2013.07.25


The hospital architecture has been developed with a current trend because it is affected by development of technology, health policy, including the development of community-level changes in the needs of society. In this study, after hospital architecture from 1980's to 2000's is analyzed through change of functional space location and spatial area composition, this study is observed change of Hospital Geography. There are many differences about hospital geography of Korean hospital when the hospital is analyzed between the sector and functional space which is categorized by sector. From this study, trend of hospital architecture planning like this center, one-stop service comes to hospital relation with healthcare environment. Especially change of space area and space location occurs in main department, depth of between outpatient and examination department increasingly is becoming equal because of change of healthcare environment, paradigm. From now on hospital architecture planning need to consider with area, location, environment as well as change of inside function.



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