컨벤션센터 및 무역전시관의 전시장 부스배치에 따른 공간구조에 관한 연구

A Study on Spatial Structures According to Booth Layout at Convention and Trade Exhibition Centers

  • 문정은 (제주대학교 생활환경복지학부) ;
  • 김봉애 (제주대학교 생활환경복지학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.06.25


This study set out to investigate the changing patterns and mutual relations of physical attributes and visual perception-based analysis indexes of spatial structures according to booth arrangement at convention and trade exhibition centers based on the visual perception theory, as well as to identify the variables to consider when making planar type and path of action plans. As for methodology, the investigator conducted visual graphic analysis(VGA) with the Depthmap program to figure out the visual characteristics of exhibition center spatial structure in a quantitative manner and identified the spatial analysis indexes of visual integration, visual connectivity, and visual mean depth. Based on the collected data, the investigator also identified data about area and the physical spatial structure of annexed room and used them in analysis. The subjects include total 43 exhibition centers at 11 venues in the nation. Their planar types were first categorized according to the form characteristics of rectangle, slender, square, and others. Four types of path of action, which include right angle, migration, meandering, and variableness, were applied to each of the planar types based on the arrangement methods of sales floor in a commercial space identified in literature study. Used in analysis were the drawings of 172 types that grouped them. As for analysis methods, the investigator statistically processed quantitative data with the SASW 18.0 for Window program and carried out correlation and discriminant analysis. The analysis results were then used to test the influence of the visual perception-based analysis indexes of spatial structures according to the planar types and path of action types and make data proposals for exhibition space design.



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