Comparative Time-Series Analysis on the Correlation Between Composition Factors of Lot System Types in Hanok Residential Area - with Case Study on Inside and Outside of Seoul City Wall After 1970 -

한옥주거지 필지구조 유형별 구성요소의 관계에 대한 시계열적 비교 분석 - 서울 한양도성내외의 1970년 이후 변화를 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2013.06.25


This study aims to analyze the correlation between composition factors of lot system types in Hanok Residential Area, Seoul classifying into tree-type and grid-type. The results are as follows : First, between 1970 and 2011 in all lot system types, the bigger the area of lot, the width of road and the connectivity of road is, the longer length of the part meeting the road is. Also, the bigger the width of road is, the bigger area of lot is. Second, tree-type lot system is much different from grid-type in 1970 in terms of the correlation between the standardization index of lot and direction of road and other factors in. Third, the correlation between composition factors in tree-type lot system has changed, while the correlation in grid-type has hardly changed after 1970. Fourth, as regards the correlation between composition factors, the distinction between lot system types is much larger than the diachrony of type.



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