A Study On the Possibility of Extension of Variable Space in Smart Environment

스마트 환경에서 공간의 가변적 확장 가능성에 관한 연구

  • 박정식 (두원공과대학 건축디자인과) ;
  • 조택연 (홍익대학교 산업디자인학과)
  • Published : 2013.06.25


Despite many efforts to change our understanding of space through several revolutions in human history, space remained largely a physical notion. However, the development of information technology and new dimensions of social interactions and its incorporation into the building space allowed for these progressive concepts of space to manifest itself. Smart construction that combines aspects of physical space and information technology will embrace various programs of space required in Modern architecture. Ubiquitous computing in the new paradigm of space can push our utilization of space beyond its temporal and physical limits. Expanding our study of space to the possibility of flexibilty combined with the enhancement of space through the overlay of intelligent networks between events and the physical space by the interaction of the digital space is aimed Since the notion of space in Ubiquitous computing environment is exceeds the temporal-spatial dimension, expanding our understanding of space in combination with Intelligent Networks is fruitful. Therefore my research aims to study the possibility that space can be extended through the interaction between physical and digital space.



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