공동주택 옥상부의 비노출 방수공법 선정을 위한 가중치 결정 및 적용성 평가 연구

A Study on the Weight Decision and Applicative Estimation for Selecting the Non-Exposed Waterproofing Methods on the Roof of an Apartment Houses

  • 최성민 (서울과학기술대학교 건설기술연구소) ;
  • 주민상 (한국토지주택공사) ;
  • 오상근 (서울과학기술대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.05.25


Water leakage could be caused deterioration of environmental conditions, user condition, reduction of life span and long term safety in concrete structure. Many materials and construction method to repair on these problems have been developed, however, it is not proper to successful repair or raise problem of increasing repair cost. In this paper, we suggest varied test methods divided to appraisal for property of matter, construction, manufacturing, specification and maintenance. The present research involves the application of VE(Value Engineering). Theoretical analysis and review of the application method for each step of performing VE were carried out with regard to the roof part of building, in an effort to suggest a reasonable and effective decision making procedure that is required for the selection of proper waterproofing method, considering the aspects of both economical efficiency and function. In addition, hierarchical structuring and analysis were performed concerning the evaluation items that have been obtained by reviewing VE using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process), in an attempt to determine weight based on the importance of the evaluation items. As a result, sheet-liquid combined waterproofing method was most advantageous after VE value evaluation by VE/RWLCC analysis on 8 different waterproofing methods.



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