Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Epilithic Diatom Communities in Major Harbors of Korean Peninsula

국내 하구역 부착돌말의 시, 공간적 분포에 미치는 몬순의 영향

  • Kim, Ha-Kyung (Department of Environmental Science, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kim, Yong-Jae (Department of Life Science, Daejin University) ;
  • Won, Du-Hee (Doohee Institute of Ecological Research) ;
  • Hwang, Soon-Jin (Department of Environmental Health Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Hwang, Su-Ok (K-waters, Korea Water Resources Corporation) ;
  • Kim, Baik-Ho (Department of Life Science, Hanyang University)
  • Published : 2013.09.30


Spatial and temporal distribution of environmental factors and epilithic diatom communities in major rivers (30 rivers and 58 sampling points) of the Korean peninsula were surveyed each one time before (May) and after the monsoon (October) 2012. The stream of the east harbor (EAST), the south harbor (SOUTH), and the west harbor (WEST) was sampled in order. Over the survey, a total of 284 taxa were classified, and the number of diatom species in each harbor did not show significant changes after the monsoon, but a biomass significantly decreased. Results also showed that EAST deterioration of water quality and chlorophyll-a after the monsoon, was opposite to SOUTH. Five major dominant species including Nitzschia inconspicua, which contained higher biomass over the survey, were common species which widely distributed in brackish water. Indicator Species Analysis showed that a large number of clean water species in EAST and polluted water species in SOUTH and WEST were emerged respectively. In sum, the Asian monsoon significantly decreased a biomass of epilithic diatoms and water qualities over the harbors (lower stream) in the Korean peninsula, but did not change the major species indicating water quality.



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