Designing demand side education of information security professionals

수요자 중심의 정보보호 전문 인력 양성을 위한 교육과정 설계

  • 이종락 (서울호서전문학교 사이버해킹보안과)
  • Published : 2013.09.30


There has been a lot of growth more than 10% in the information security industry. In accordance with the industrial growth, it increased needs for the information security manpower development as a national problem. But there is an imbalance between demand and supply of the information security manpower in terms of the quantity and quality. It is mainly caused by the curriculum of the information security is made considering for suppliers not for demanders. As a resolution to solve this problem, we suggest the curriculum of information security for vocational education and training. As the information security area is wide in view of required knowledge and technology, we design the curriculum by selecting major occupation type from the information security manpower distribution and products and then by investigating the job description using NCS(National Competency Standard). And we compared the curriculum to that of two or three year diploma courses in Korea.



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