Vacuum circuit breaker(VCB) has been widely used for interruption of load current and fault current for high voltage motor in the industrial field. Its arc extinguishing capability is excellent compared to other breakers. But it has the potential to cause multi reignition surge by high extinguishing capability. Surge voltage is generated by the opening and closing of VCB. Multi reignition surge of VCB is steep-fronted waveform. It may have a detrimental effect on the motor winding insulation. So, most of users install a protection device to limit steep-front waveform at the motor terminal or breaker side. So, most of users install a protection device at the motor terminal or breaker side. This protective device is surge absorber(SA) such as ZnO and RC type. In this study, we analyzed whether there is any effect when two type SA is applied to the VCB multi reignition surge. We confirmed that ZnO SA is slightly more effective than RC SA for reduction of multi reignition surge.