The Ewe's Reproductive Performance, Growth Rate and Carcass Quality of Lambs Kept in a Barn vs Those Kept under an Overhead Shelter

  • Kuznicka, Ewa (Animal Breeding Department, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW) ;
  • Rant, Witold (Animal Breeding Department, Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW)
  • 투고 : 2012.08.21
  • 심사 : 2012.10.06
  • 발행 : 2013.02.01


A herd of polish lowland local sheep was divided into two equal groups: the first group was kept under an overhead shelter, and the second group was kept in a warm barn. The effect of maintenance on ewe's reproductive performance, survival as well as the growth rate of lambs, and their carcasses quality was investigated. The lack of differences in fertility and prolificacy of ewes as well as in the survival and growth rate between the groups confirmed a good adaptation of $\dot{Z}$ela$\acute{z}$nie$\acute{n}$ska sheep to low temperature. Harsh environmental conditions did not cause a significant decrease of the body weight growth; however, they brought in an (insignificant) reduction of subcutaneous fat thickness and meatiness of the loin part of a lamb's body. The fat content of carcasses obtained from lambs reared under the overhead shelter was significantly lower, with no differences of meat and bones contribution between the groups.



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