소프트웨어 정의 네트워킹 기술을 위한 컨트롤 플레인 설계 방법

  • 발행 : 2013.09.16




  1. OpenFlow, OpenFlow Swtch Specification} version 1.1.0, http://www.openflow.org/documents/openflowspec-v1.1.0.pdf
  2. B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN Sushant Jain, Alok Kumar, Subhasree Mandal, Joon Ong, Leon Poutievski, Arjun Singh, Subbaiah Venkata, Jim Wanderer, Junlan Zhou, Min Zhu, Jonathan Zolla, Urs Holzle, Stephen Stuart, and Amin Vahdat
  3. Achieving High Utilization with Software-Driven WAN Chi-Yao Hong, Srikanth Kandula, Ratul Mahajan, Ming Zhang, Vijay Gill, Mohan Nanduri, and Roger Wattenhofer
  4. Natasha Gude and Teemu Koponen and Justin Pettit and Ben Pfaff and Martín Casado and Nick McKeown and Scott Shenker, NOX: Towards an Operating System for Networks, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, July, 2008
  5. Albert Greenberg and Gisli Hjalmtysson and David A. Maltz and Andy Myers and Jennifer Rexford and Goeffrey Xie and Hong Yan and Jibin Zhan and Hui Zhang, A Clean Slate 4D Approach to Network Control and Management, Proceedings of ACM Computer Communications Review, 2005
  6. Martin Casado and Michael J. Freedman and Justin Pettit and Jianying Luo and Nick McKeown and Scott Shenker, Ethane: Taking Control of the Enterprise, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM, 2007
  7. Martin Casado and Tal Garfinkel and Michael Freedman and Aditya Akella and Dan Boneh and Nick McKeowon and Scott Shenker, SANE: A Protection Architecture for Enterprise Networks, Proceedings of Usenix Security Symposium, 2006
  8. Open Networking Foundation, http://www.opennet working.org/
  9. NOX-classic, http://www.noxrepo.org/nox/nox-classic - repo/
  10. NOX, http://www.noxrepo.org/nox/
  11. POX, http://www.noxrepo.org/pox/
  12. FloodLight, http://www.projectfloodlight.org/floodlight/
  13. Beacon, https://openflow.stanford.edu/display/Beacon/Home
  14. ON.LAB, http://onlab.us/
  15. Koponen, Teemu and Casado, Martin and Gude, Natasha and Stribling, Jeremy and Poutievski, Leon and Zhu, Min and Ramanathan, Rajiv and Iwata, Yuichiro and Inoue, Hiroaki and Hama, Takayuki and Shenker, Scott, Onix: a distributed control platform for large-scale production networks, Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Operating systems design and implementation, 2010
  16. ONOS, http://onlab.us/tools.html
  17. Open networking summit, http://www.opennetsummit.org/
  18. Amin Tootoonchian, A Yashar Ganjali, HyperFlow: a distributed control plane for OpenFlow, Proceedings of the 2010 internet network management conference on Research on enterprise networking
  19. WheelFS file system, http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/wheelfs/doku.php?id=wheelfs