The lower labial frenum attached to the free gingival margin can promote local tension, resulting in tissue ischemia, promoting the development of gingival recession, as well as complicating oral hygiene, resulting in chronic inflammation. In this case, early diagnosis and surgical treatment is recommended. This is the case about surgical treatment of heavy mandibular labial frenum in pre-school child with a history of syndactyly surgery. A 5-year-old girl visited the clinic with the chief complaint of high labial frenum of the mandible. Hyperplastic lower labial frenum was attached to the free gingival margin on the primary mandibular lateral incisor area. After fifteen month follow-up, right after the eruption of the permanent lower right lateral incisor, 6 years old patient received lower labial frenectomy to prevent periodontal diseases in permanent teeth and to reestablish normal anatomic characteristics. After 2 years of follow-ups, there were no marked complications.
본 증례에서는 하악 거대 협소대가 하악 양측 유측절치에 높게 위치하여 치은 퇴축과 유치 조기 상실 및 입술의 운동 제한을 야기한 경우로, 근단변위부분층 판막술을 동반한 협소대절제술을 시행하였다. 부착치은의 양은 인접치와 유사하게 회복되었고, 제거된 소대는 정상위치에 부착되어 있었고, 해당 부위의 영구치는 정상적으로 맹출하였다.