Pancreatic Cancer Incidence and Mortality Patterns in China, 2009

  • Chen, Wan-Qing (National Office for Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Liang, Di (Cancer Institute of Hebei Province, 4th Hospital of Hebei Medical University) ;
  • Zhang, Si-Wei (National Office for Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Zheng, Rou-Shou (National Office for Cancer Prevention and Control, National Cancer Center) ;
  • He, Yu-Tong (Cancer Institute of Hebei Province, 4th Hospital of Hebei Medical University)
  • Published : 2013.12.31


Objective: To estimate the incidence and mortality rates for pancreatic cancer in China. Methods: After checking and reviewing the cancer registry data in 2009 from 72 cancer registry centers, we divided cancer registry areas into urban and rural areas. Incidence/mortality rates, age-specific incidence/mortality rates, age-standardized incidence/mortality rates, proportions, and cumulative incidence/mortality rates for pancreatic cancer were calculated. Results: The total number of newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer cases and deaths in 2009 were 6,220 and 5,650, respectively. The crude incidence rate in all cancer registry areas was 7.28/100,000 (males 8.24, females 6.29). The age-standardized incidence rate by Chinese standard population (ASR) was 3.35/100,000, with ranking at 7th among all cancers. Pancreatic cancer incidence rate was 8.19/100,000 in urban areas whereas it was 5.41/100 000 in rural areas. Cancer mortality rate in all cancer registry areas was 6.61/100,000 (males 7.45; females 5.75), with ranking at 6th among all cancers, and 7.42/100 000 in urban but 4.94/100000 in rural areas. Conclusions: Pancreatic cancer incidence and mortality rates have shown a gradual increase in China. Owing to the difficulty of early diagnosis, identification of high-risk population and modification of risk factors are important to reduce the burden of pancreatic cancer.



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