Inhibition of Nemo-like Kinase Increases Taxol Sensitivity in Laryngeal Cancer

  • Dong, Ji-Rui (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology) ;
  • Guo, Nan (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology) ;
  • Zhao, Jian-Pu (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology) ;
  • Liu, Pin-Duo (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology) ;
  • Feng, Hui-Hong (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology) ;
  • Li, Yan (School of Life Science, Beijing Institute of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


Several studies have shown that nemo-like kinase (NLK) plays a vital role in apoptosis of cancer cells. The present research concerned effects and mechanisms of Taxol on NLK knockdown human laryngeal cancerHep-2 cell lines in vitro. Using RNAi, methyl-thiazoltetrazolium (MTT) assays, real-time RT-PCR, Western blotting and flow cytometry analysis, growth and the cell cycle progression of NLK knockdown Hep-2 cells and expression of downstream molecules were observed. Cell growth was obviously suppressed in the Taxol treated group (P<0.001, 48 hours). Cell numbers of combined Taxol-based chemotherapy with lentivirus mediated RNAi treatment group (Lv-shNLK+Taxol goup) were significantly different from NLK-specific siRNA lentivirus infected group (Lv-shNLK group) (p<0.001). Flow cytometry analysis revealed that Lv-shNLK+Taxol caused the G0/G1-phase DNA content to decrease from 44.1 to 3.33% (p<0.001) and the S-phase DNA content to increase from 38.4 to 82.0% (p<0.001), in comparison with the Lv-shNLK+Taxol group. Immunoblot analysis showed that knockdown of NLK led to significant reduction in the levels of cyclin D1, PCNA and PARP, whereas cyclin B1 was elevated in. Cell growth was also obviously suppressed in the Hep-2 cell line, knockdown of NLK making them more sensitive to Taxol treatment. NLK is expected to become a target of new laryngeal cancer gene therapies.



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