Comparative Serum Proteomic Analysis of Serum Diagnosis Proteins of Colorectal Cancer Based on Magnetic Bead Separation and MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry

  • Deng, Bao-Guo (Department of Microbiology, Xinxiang Medical University) ;
  • Yao, Jin-Hua (Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University) ;
  • Liu, Qing-Yin (The Clinical Laboratory, No.150 Central Hospital of PLA) ;
  • Feng, Xian-Jun (Department of Respiratory Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University) ;
  • Liu, Dong (Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University) ;
  • Zhao, Li (Paediatrics Intensive Care Unit, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xinxiang Medical University) ;
  • Tu, Bin (Import-Export Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Luoyang) ;
  • Yang, Fan (Department of Microbiology, Xinxiang Medical University)
  • 발행 : 2013.10.30


Background: At present, the diagnosis of colorectal cancer (CRC) requires a colorectal biopsy which is an invasive procedure. We undertook this pilot study to develop an alternative method and potential new biomarkers for diagnosis, and validated a set of well-integrated tools called ClinProt to investigate the serum peptidome in CRC patients. Methods: Fasting blood samples from 67 patients diagnosed with CRC by histological diagnosis, 55 patients diagnosed with colorectal adenoma by biopsy, and 65 healthy volunteers were collected. Division was into a model construction group and an external validation group randomly. The present work focused on serum proteomic analysis of model construction group by ClinProt Kit combined with mass spectrometry. This approach allowed construction of a peptide pattern able to differentiate the studied populations. An external validation group was used to verify the diagnostic capability of the peptidome pattern blindly. An immunoassay method was used to determine serum CEA of CRC and controls. Results: The results showed 59 differential peptide peaks in CRC, colorectal adenoma and health volunteers. A genetic algorithm was used to set up the classification models. Four of the identified peaks at m/z 797, 810, 4078 and 5343 were used to construct peptidome patterns, achieving an accuracy of 100% (> CEA, P<0.05). Furthermore, the peptidome patterns could differentiate the validation group with high accuracy close to 100%. Conclusions: Our results showed that proteomic analysis of serum with MALDI-TOF MS is a fast and reproducible approach, which may provide a novel approach to screening for CRC.



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