Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Dietary Patterns and the Associated Risk of Breast Cancer: A Case-control Study

  • Woo, Hae Dong (Cancer Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Park, Ki-Soon (Cancer Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Shin, Aesun (Cancer Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Ro, Jungsil (Center for Breast Cancer, National Cancer Center) ;
  • Kim, Jeongseon (Cancer Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Center)
  • 발행 : 2013.09.30


The glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) have been considered risk factors for breast cancer, but association studies of breast cancer risk using simple GI and GL might be affected by confounding effects of the overall diet. A total of 357 cases and 357 age-matched controls were enrolled, and dietary intake was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with 103 food items. GI and GL dietary patterns were derived by reduced rank regression (RRR) method. The GI and GL pattern scores were positively associated with breast cancer risk among postmenopausal women [OR (95%CI): 3.31 (1.06-10.39), p for trend=0.031; 9.24 (2.93-29.14), p for trend<0.001, respectively], while the GI pattern showed no statistically significant effects on breast cancer risk, and the GL pattern was only marginally significant, among premenopausal women (p for trend=0.043). The GI and GL pattern scores were positively associated with the risk of breast cancer in subgroups defined by hormone receptor status in postmenopausal women. The GI and GL patterns based on all food items consumed were positively associated with breast cancer.



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