Policy Advice on the E-Government ODA Strategy : Focus on E-Gov ODA in the Developing Countries

전자정부 해외진출 활성화를 위한 정책방안 : 개발도상국 ODA 지원 전략을 중심으로

  • Received : 2013.07.19
  • Accepted : 2013.09.12
  • Published : 2013.09.30


The Republic of Korea has made major strides in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) over the last five decades. After going through continuous efforts in e-Government and national informatization, Korea has become one of the global E-government leaders. Korea's E-government Development Index ranking assessed by the United Nations improved from 15th in 2001 to the top in 2010 and 2012 out of 192 countries worldwide, and its E-participation Index ranking was also ranked 1st in 2010& 2012. In addition, many of Korea's E-government practices until now have been introduced to the world as the best cases and received worldwide acknowledgement. The importance of official development aid/assistance (ODA) through informatization is especially gaining attention as Korea has joined the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and its status has significantly improved within international organizations. The Korean government has selected countries that have high potential in trade, economic, and E-government cooperation or those that are selected as ODA priority countries by the international community and has carried out various activities including ICT consultation, ICT Cooperation Center operation, and ICT learning programs. With joining the OECD DAC, Korea's overseas aid projects are expected to increase and be carried out in a more systematic manner. Also in the area of informatization, the importance of not only the overseas aid 'in ICT' itself but also the overseas aid 'through ICT' is increasing along with the expanding scale for more efficient and influential support. The Korean government's comprehensive reach of international projects in the ICT arena, aims to foster the global partnership for development by sharing and expanding the benefits of ICTs. The Korean government recognizes its advances and has endeavored to share them with others through participation in international forums and hosting of workshops.



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