최밀충전에 의한 흙의 적정입도 선정 방법

The Method to Select the Optimal Particle Size of Earth by Optimum Micro-filler

  • 투고 : 2013.06.03
  • 심사 : 2013.12.27
  • 발행 : 2013.12.31


The purpose of this study is to suggest optimum micro-filler experiment method to select the optimal particle size of earth for using in earth construction works and test this suggestion through compressive strength measurement. According to the results of selecting the method to choose the optimum micro-filler mixing of earth and sand, three-stage filling(plate tamping) showed relatively high results and so was estimated to be the proper filling method. According to the results of optimum micro-filler experiment of earth and sand by the maximal sizes of sand, between 80% and 90% showed the highest result values. The larger the maximum size of sand was, the lower the addition ratio of sand was in optimum micro-filler mixing. According to the results of compressive strength experiment by the particle sizes of earth and sand, 90% in the addition ratio of sand showed the highest results, and so tended to be similar to the results of unit volume weight experiment.



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