일본의 해양 정책 - 태평양 도서국과의 관계를 중심으로

Ocean Policy of Japan: Focusing on the Relations with Pacific Island Nations

  • 현대송 (국민대학교 일본학연구소)
  • Hyun, Daesong (Institute of Japanese Studies, Kookmin University)
  • 투고 : 2013.08.30
  • 심사 : 2013.10.30
  • 발행 : 2013.12.30


The purpose of this study is to explore the history of the relationships between Japan and the Pacific Island Nations in the context of its ocean policy, and to survey the current situation. Particularly, this paper inquires into how Japan's maritime policy, nuclear policy, and official development assistance policy have affected relationships with countries in this region. Firstly, this paper gives a brief overview of the socio-political situations of Pacific Island Nations. Secondly, the history of the 'Southward Advance Theory' adopted as national policy by Japan in the Meiji era is summarized. Thirdly, how Japan successfully re-entered this region despite conflicts surrounding the nuclear issue after the Second World War is explored. Lastly, this paper investigates how official development assistance and PALM (Pacific Island Leaders Meeting) helped to develop relations between Japan and the Pacific Island Nations.



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