The Investigation Research of Mathematics Classroom Questioning in Junior High School

  • Ye, Lijun (College of Mathematics, Hangzhou Normal University)
  • Received : 2013.10.07
  • Accepted : 2013.12.27
  • Published : 2013.12.31


Through quantitative analysis of two math classroom videos, combined with the relationship between types of teachers' questioning and students' answering, it is concluded the following problems are in the mathematics classroom teaching: (1) The time of teachers' questioning is longer, the number is too much, with managerial questions and prompting questions is given priority to; (2) Teachers' questioning time is longer than students' answering time, comprehensive answer is more, creative answer is little; (3) In the classroom questioning, students' participation is low; and (4) There is a significant correlation between types of teachers' questioning and length of waiting time after questions. In response to these phenomena, we propose strategies as follows: pursuit of timeliness of classroom questioning, reducing inefficient questions, to increase efficient questions, adopting different waiting strategies for different questioning types, to mobilize students' thinking activities, and improving students' participation etc.



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