This study is to analyze the satisfaction and the image evaluation of landscape elements in outdoor space by types of the university campus. The results are as follows. 1) Out of outdoor elements at university campus, planting area, resting area, access road, and water feature are recognized as major landscape elements. Among them, planting area and access roads are evaluated low in terms of satisfaction levels, therefore, improvement on these elements are required. 2) In outdoor space image evaluation, university campus has image such as 'simple', 'clear', and 'safe'. By scale of universities, both 'A' university, which is the biggest in terms of size of campus, and 'B' university, which has a medium sized campus, have a positive image. However, 'C' university, which is the smallest in terms of size of campus, has a passive and negative image. 3) 6 factors are extracted through Factor Analysis for image evaluation. All of the universities show positive image in the categories of 'clarity' and 'familiarity', however, 'B' university and 'C' university show negative image in the category of 'scale'. 4) In Correlation Analysis between landscape elements satisfaction level and image evaluation, it is showed that the group of landscape facility becomes a relation factor of overall image evaluation. As a result, the higher satisfaction level goes, the better image evaluation of overall outdoor space at university campus is.