읍·면소재지 종합정비사업 대상지역 선정에 관한 연구

A Study on Selection of Areas for Comprehensive Arrangement Project in Areas of Eup and Myeon

  • Kim, Sung-Rok (Faculty of Regional Development, Kongju National Univ.)
  • Received : 2013.09.23
  • Accepted : 2013.12.02
  • Published : 2013.12.30


As policy for regional development in bottom-up style is introduced, each local government reflects opinion of regional residents and experts, and continues to strive for active use of regional capability and natural resources. As a result, there are active movements for regional development in Eup and Myeon unit or village unit inside local government. Comprehensive arrangement project in areas of Eup and Myeon is proceeded with a goal of improvement of life quality for regional residents through strengthening base function of Eup and Myeon areas and improving function of basic service by expanding facility of optimal level available to an unspecified number of the general public such as educational, cultural, welfare facility etc. in Eup and Myeon areas which are base space of rural communities. For analysis method of region for selecting areas where comprehensive arrangement project is done, this study suggested analysis of connection structure based on interaction and analysis of centrality. And empirical analysis was carried out with Buyeo province in Chungcheongnamdo.



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