A Terrain Analysis System for Global Path Planning of Unmanned Ground Vehicle

무인지상차량의 전역경로계획을 위한 지형정보 분석 시스템

  • Received : 2013.06.28
  • Accepted : 2013.09.13
  • Published : 2013.10.05


In this paper, we proposed a system that efficiently provides support maps which includes the grid based terrain analysis information. To do this, we use the FDB which is defined as a GIS database that contains features with attributes attached to the features. The FDB is composed of a number of features and feature classes. In order to create support maps, it is necessary to classify feature classes that are associated with each support map and to search them in a grid map. The proposed system use a ontology model to classify semantically feature classes and the quad-tree data structure to find them in a grid map quickly. Therefore, our system is expected to be utilized for global path planning of UGV. In this paper, we show the possibility through an experimental implementation.



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