- 신명기, 소프트웨어 정의 네트워크(SDN)를 위한 개방 형 인터페이스 요구 사항, TTA 단체표준 TTAK.KO- 01.0182, 2012.
- 남기혁, 신명기, 김형준, SDN/OpenFlow 전용언어 및 신뢰성 검증 방법 연구동향, 한국통신학회지, 2012.11.
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- Nate Foster, Rob Harrison, Michael J. Freedman, Christopher Monsanto, Jennifer Rexford, Alec Story, David Walker. Frenetic: a network programming language. In ICFP, September 2011
- Frenetic-language,
- Andreas Voellmy, Paul Hudak. Nettle: Functional reactive programming of OpenFlow networks. In PADL, January 2011
- Andreas Voellmy, Hyojoon Kim and Nick Feamster, Procera: a language for high-level reactive network control. In SIGCOMM HotSDN, August 2012
- David Meyer, Curt Beckmann, Forwarding Abstractions Working Group Charter,2012.07
- Haoyu Song, Table Type Classification and Parameters, ONF FAWG meeting,2013.01
- Abhijit Kumbhare, Table Pattern Proposal Extending, ONF FAWG meeting,2012.08
- Colin Dixon, Improving OpenFlow metadata,ONF FAWG meeting,2013.01
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- CurtBeckmann, Freescale_IP_forwarding_Example,ONF FAWG meeting,2012.09