The Economic Evaluation of the Forest Biodiversity in South Korea

산림생물다양성의 경제적 가치 평가

  • Received : 2012.04.30
  • Accepted : 2012.08.28
  • Published : 2012.08.30


In this study, biodiversity was classified as 4 sectors (genes, species, ecosystems, and cultures) and overall 14 indicators were subdivided by the classification criterion of 4 sectors. Among those 14 indicators, monetary evaluation was conducted for 11 indicators that can be quantified in economic perspectives. Results show that negative economy effects (forest degradation, forest fire, forest damage caused by diseases and insects, deforestation, and cost under the assumption with the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol to be compensated for traditional knowledge) by reducing forest biodiversity were evaluated as 254.5 billion won annually. Also, Bioindustry, indigenous species, forest production, protection area, and income associated with mountain village were considered as positive economy effects and their annual economic value was 6.72 trillion won. Net annual benefit by maintaining forest biodiversity was about 6.5 trillion won.

본 연구에서는 유전자, 종, 생태계, 문화로 구분한 4종류의 분류 기준에 따라 14 종류의 평가 지표를 선정하였고 이중 가치 평가가 가능한 11개 인자를 대상으로 화폐적 평가를 수행하였다. 산림생물다양성을 저해하는 부의 경제효과 인자인 산림훼손, 산불, 병충해, 산림전용과 국가의 전통지식 권리를 보상해주어야 하는 나고야의정서가 발효된다는 가정에서 비용을 산출한 결과, 2,545억 원으로 평가되었다. 산림생물 다양성에 의한 양의 경제효과에는 바이오산업, 자생종, 임산물 생산, 보호구역, 산촌 소득적인 측면에서 이루어졌으며 그 가치는 연간 6조 7,200억 원으로 평가되었다. 산림생물다양성으로 인한 경제적 순편익은 연간 6조 4,655억 원으로 나타났다.



Supported by : 산림청


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