Modern electronic circuits are of importance for the function of communication, traffic systems and security systems. An intentional threat to these systems could be of big casualties and economic disasters. This study has examined susceptibility of electronic circuits inside the cavity by HPEM(High Power Electromagnetics). The UWB measurements were done at an anechoic chamber using a RADAN voltage source, which can generate a transient impulse of about 200 kV. The HPEM wave penetrated inside the metal case appeared to the long damped ringwave of pulse length compared with the incident wave. In addition, the resonant frequency generated inside the metal case occurred primarily in the range of 1~3 GHz. The frequency band of 1~3 GHz was influenced on the electronic circuit, which was confirmed by an external antenna and an internal absorber. The electronic circuit was influenced by HPEM infiltrated into the cavity at the 86 kV/m out of the metal cases. Also in case of an absorber the susceptibility of an electronic circuit was smallest among other cases(aperture, antenna). It is considered that absorber has a function absorbing electromagnetic wave infiltrated into the cavity and simultaneously limiting resonance by varying a boundary condition inside the cavity. Based on the results, electronic equipment systems could be applied to protection that has suited system requirements.