18세기 이탈리아의 지도제작의 전통과 조반니 마리노니의 역사적 위상에 관한 연구

A Study on the Historical Status of Giovanni Marinoni in the Tradition of Cadastre and Cartography in 18th Century Italy

  • 투고 : 2012.08.15
  • 심사 : 2012.10.27
  • 발행 : 2012.10.31


This research focuses on the role of Giovanni Marinioni during the formation of the modern cartography and cadastre during the 18th century. Initial study began with Giambattista Nolli's Roman map noticing not much information was available to acknowledge his activities during his Milan period before the departure to Rome. It became evident that Marinoni was a key person to understand the complex circumstances in which the professional training and formation of Giambattista Nolli took place as later worked as an anonymous intern during the elaboration of Theresian Cadastre of Milan. The other important figures are Leandro Anguissola and Giovanni Filippini. Anguissola's position and precedent work facilitated Marinoni's multidisciplinary activities that he had performed in Vienna and Milano in the field of making urban maps of those two cities. On the other hand, Filippini not only collaborated with Marinoni but also introduced Nolli in the field of cartography. These activities show transitional and dual aspects that characterized the period in which important irreversible changes that occur during the reign of Habsburg empire and in the rest of the Europe toward the formation of modern society and state. Marinoni's theories and praxis greatly influenced Nolli's later commitment under the Savoia and later on the elaboration of the 'Pianta Grande di Roma' in 1748.



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