Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea (한국지형학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 1
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- Pages.57-68
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- 2012
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- 1226-4296(pISSN)
Chemical Weathering Trend and Rubefaction of Granitic Hills in Naju, Southern Korea
한반도 남서부 나주 일대 화강암 구릉대의 적색화와 화학적 풍화 경향
- Kim, Young Rae (Korea Nat'l Univ. of Edu.)
- 김영래 (한국교원대학교)
- Received : 2012.03.06
- Published : 2012.03.30
Red saprolites are appeared in granitic hills in Naju, Southern Korean Peninsula. These red saprolites were analyzed for their geochemistry, including CIA, A-CN-K and A-CNK-FM ternary plots, to understand the chemical weathering trend and rubefaction of the saprolites. These saprolites were compared with kaolinitic saprolites of Guadalquivir Basin in Spain formed under paleo-humid tropical conditions. Chemical Index of Alteration(CIA) value for Naju in Korea is 80, and 87 in Guadalquivir, suggesting moderate and strong weathering in both. Relative to kaolinitic saprolite of Guadalquivir in Spain, red saprolites in Naju are commonly weak loss of CaO,
한반도 남서부에 위치한 나주 일대에는 화강암 구릉대가 대표적인 지형경관이며, 대부분은 적색의 풍화층(토양)으로 일반화되어 있다. 나주 구릉대의 적색풍화층을 화학적 풍화지수(CIA)를 통해 분석해본 결과, CaO,