Fashion, addressing the new body - The body, fashion and art -

  • Park, Shinmi (Theoretical Enquire Studio (Contemporary Fashion), Research Department of Visual Arts, University of Sydney)
  • 투고 : 2012.06.07
  • 심사 : 2012.10.09
  • 발행 : 2012.10.31


The research aim is to analyze the attributes of fashion as an object of art, and to examine its potential and status as an art of body space. This paper explains the relationship between these two disciplines by focusing on the body as the foundation of fashion and art's concepts, and discusses the intrinsic properties and the approach to the creation of fashion which is expressed through the body. The research begins by analyzing the sociologists thoughts on the body and extracts the characteristics of fashion as a practice of a new art field from the perspective of body creating space. It explains that fashion can most easily transform the body and that this, along with the body itself, possesses the element of creating body space. Fashion is a new avenue for understanding the body that not only includes the human figure but also its movement and spirit approached as a creative activity. The paper will show that fashion chosen as an art activity expresses the changeable and ambiguous body and embraces an unlimited potential of creative activity. This expands the creative field by managing both the inner and outer space of the body. Historical examination, literature review and overview of development of reference materials will establish the theory.



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