Productivity Change Analysis of Fisheries Cooperative Operating Office with Global-Malmquist Productivity : 2001~2010

글로벌 Malmquist 지수를 이용한 수협상호금융 영업점의 생산성 변화 분석 : 2001~2010년

  • Received : 2012.08.02
  • Accepted : 2012.09.25
  • Published : 2012.09.30


This study analyzed the changes in productivity growth of 291 regional fisheries cooperatives area from 2001 to 2010 selected as target. The productivity growth analysis of operating offices calculates Global-Malmquist productivity index. Input variables are number of the persons and the nettable area, output variables are deposit, loans and earnings. To improve the homogeneity of industry, the operating conditions were considered. Global Malmquist index of Operating offices was reduced between 2001~2010. The cause of increase and decrease of productivity are divided by efficiency change(EC) and best-practice change(BPC). Operating offices with increased productivity existed between 2001~2002 and between 2002~2003 and between 2006~2007. There were operating offices with increased productivity by EC. Global Malmquist index of Operating offices with locations was highest relatively in metropolitan. Operating offices with increased productivity existed between 2003~2004 and between 2007~2008 and between 2008~2009 in all locations. There were operating offices with decreased productivity by BPC.



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