Transition of Density and Quality of Turfgrasses on Bermudagrass Fairway with Perennial Ryegrass, and Adjustment of Transition Period by Treatment of Trifloxysulfuron-sodium

버뮤다그래스 페어웨이에 퍼레니얼라이그래스 오버시딩에 따른 두 초종의 밀도 및 품질 변화와 Trifloxysulfuron-sodium 처리에 의한 전이시기 조정

  • Received : 2012.05.20
  • Accepted : 2012.06.15
  • Published : 2012.08.31


When perennial ryegrass was overseeded in bermudagrass fairway, shoot density of perennial ryegrass was gradually increased to $88,000/m^2$ at the end of May, however dramatically decreased to 0 in September over the rainy season. On the other hand, that of bermudagrass increased from $2,000/m^2$ in March to $20,000/m^2$ in early June, and then decreased to $4,000/m^2$ at the end of July, after the rainy season, rapidly increased to $50,000/m^2$ in early September. Overseeding bermudagrass fairway with perennial ryegrass was maintained a good quality from mid-April to mid-June and decreased the quality over the rainy season from late June to July, and then turf quality was decrease to the worst level at the end of July. After the rainy season fairway quality was improved gradually and was the highest-level during September and early October. Trifloxysulfuron-sodium was treated to minimize the deterioration in turf quality due to early bermudgrass transition time in spring. Consequently, transition was started in mid-May and shoot density of bermudagrass treated by trifloxysulfuron-sodium was $70,000/m^2$ in mid-June. Even in the rainy season it was sustained as $30,000/m^2$, approximately three times higher than that of untreated overseeding fairway.

버뮤다그래스에 퍼레니얼라이그래스를 오버시딩 했을 때 퍼레니얼라이그래스의 밀도는 3월부터 점차적으로 증가하여 5월 말에는 88,000주/$m^2$를 유지하였다. 그러나 장마기를 거치면서 급격히 줄어들어 9월 초순경에는 0주/$m^2$가 되었다. 반면에 버뮤다그래스의 밀도는 3월경에 2,000주/$m^2$에서 온도가 증가함에 따라 점차 증가하여 5월 중순경에 10,000주/$m^2$, 6월 초순경에는 20,000주/$m^2$로 증가하였으며, 장마기를 거치면서 일조량 부족으로 7월 중순경에는 4,000주/$m^2$로 떨어졌다. 장마 후에는 밀도가 급격히 증가하여 9월 초순경에는 50,000주/$m^2$ 정도를 유지하였다. 퍼레니얼라이그래스로 오버시딩한 버뮤래스 페어웨이의 품질은 4월 중순부터 6월 중순까지 좋은 품질이 유지되다가 장마기이후 7월말에 가장 나빴으나 이후 점차 향상되어 9월 초순부터 10월 초순까지 좋은 품질을 나타내었다. 봄철 버뮤다그래스의 전이시기를 앞당겨 장마기의 품질저하를 최소화하기 위하여 trifloxysulfuron-sodium을 처리한 결과, 5월중순경부터 버뮤다그래스로 전이가 이루어져 6월 중순경에는 70,000주/$m^2$ 정도의 밀도를 보였으며 장마기에도 약 30,000주/$m^2$를 유지하여 무처리구에 비하여 약 3배 이상의 높은 밀도를 유지하였다.



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