과학영재학생의 가치 특성 및 가치유형 간 상호 관계성 분석

A Study on Values of Scientifically Gifted Students and the Relations among Values

  • 투고 : 2012.08.29
  • 심사 : 2012.09.24
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


본 연구는 영재의 가치관을 분석하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 신념체계로서의 가치관은 개인이나 조직의 행위 선택에 직접적인 영향을 미친다. 지금까지 영재의 인지적, 사회-정서적 특성에 관한 논의는 활발하였으나 그러한 특성을 표출하게끔 작용하는 영재의 가치 혹은 신념에 관한 분석은 미흡한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 국내 2개 과학영재학교 468명을 대상으로 Schwartz의 가치조사척도를 사용하여 10개 문항 유형의 57개 가치범주에 대해 조사를 실시하였다. 그 결과 과학영재들은 '전통'이나 '권력' 등의 가치보다는 '자율', '자극', '성취' 등과 같이 영재의 일반적인 공통 특징과 일관되는 가치들을 보다 중요시하는 것으로 나타났다.

Values can be regarded as an important factor which acts as an indicator showing each person's individual path of life. many researchers have suggested that values function as standards that guide thought and action. Values lead us to take particular positions on social issues and they predispose us to favor one perspective over another. Adolescence is an important period for the establishment of one's values. The values established during such a period become an important factor determining one's right personality and contents of life. In particular, it is important to take a study about the values possessed by gifted and talented children in Korea. There have been several researches regarding the cognitive and affective characteristics of gifted and talented learners in Korea. However, there has not been any research regarding their values in life. This study investigates the characteristics of values shown by 468 high-school students from two special schools for gifted students by using Schwartz's Value Survey Scale which is consisted of 57 value categories and 10 value types. According to the results of this study, the students from the special high-school for gifted children tend to promote such value types as 'autonomy' and 'stimulation' the most. Conversely, the same students tend to deny or ignore such value types as 'power' and 'tradition'. This study provides basic data regarding the values of gifted and talented students as the first research of its kind targeting gifted students in Korea. It has an important meaning for the research related to the characteristics shown by gifted students in Korea.



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