Rural Standard Services Condition in Rural Fishing Area and The Improvement of Checking Methods for Implementation performance

어촌지역의 농어촌서비스기준 실태와 이행실적 점검방식의 개선방안

  • Received : 2012.08.14
  • Accepted : 2012.09.11
  • Published : 2012.09.30


The purposes of this study were to identify the living environment in rural fishing area and to suggest checking methods for implementation performance. Rural service standard is the key factor of rural development in Korea. In 2012. The first Implementations of performance was announced. The results were presented to the unit by the City and the County. Because of Fishing villages exists as a unit by the haengjeongri. It is difficult to know the status of the fishing villages by the Rural service standard. In order to look for the actual conditions in rural fishing village it was investigated in the 100 Eochongye. The data used in the analysis is 577 questionnaires. Analysis showed that rural fishing areas were superior to general state of rural in the 8 items of rural service standard. Especially housing, transportation and health care sector in rural fishing area wes better than general state of rural. But Public safety and order is relatively poor. This is because Fishing village contains islands. Presenting to improve rural service standard based on the results of research. The items of rural service standard should be measured the actual residents' accessibility than opportunity of the public service, and after setting the rural service standard clearly related to the quality of life of residents in each sector. Accessibility aspects of the customer for the public services should be considered. Checking the performance for the unit by the City and the County should be replaced as a living zone in order to consider the facilities using nearby.



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