해양과학기술분야 연구개발 결과의 사업화 성공요인에 관한 연구 -질적 연구방법의 혼합적 활용을 중심으로-

An Analysis of Critical Success Factors in Commercialization of R&D Outcomes in Ocean Science and Technology -Through Application of Dual Qualitative Research Methodologies-

  • 이용규 (중앙대학교 공공인재학부) ;
  • 임장근 (한국해양과학기술원 제2부원장실)
  • 투고 : 2012.08.09
  • 심사 : 2012.09.03
  • 발행 : 2012.09.30


This study focuses on systematic structure of factors, which affect commercialization of ocean science and technology (OST), applying both grounded theory methodology (GTM) and semantic network analysis methodology (SNAM) by using in-depth interviews with 8 specialists previously experienced in the same field. This study further focuses on clarification of the distinctiveness and universality of commercialization factors on OST by comparatively analyzing on the commercialization factors of general sciences and technologies. Using SNAM, it was determined that commercialization success required connected support system, government support, technology marketing, technology power and characteristics of commercialized entities, which were identified as dominant factors. GTM presented an outcome that connected support systems among participants in commercialization and found that research institute strategies are significant factors in the core phenomenon of commercialization, while technology marketing, technology power and market-oriented technology are important conditions. In addition, the factors of technology, market, connection of participants and government support of commercialized entities are shown as equally important factors for commercialization of ocean science and technology. Secondly, SNAM results indicate that ocean science characteristics depend on a network of government support, research institute strategy, organization and manpower, capital power, and technology marketing, as these ocean science characteristics have been identified as significant factors in the GTM study. It has been determined that technology, market and government support should be connected in order for commercialization of ocean science and technology (OST). Moreover, commercialization methods, applied to the marketing of commercialization of ocean science and technology is differentiated from others since commercialization success is more relevant to these factors.



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피인용 문헌

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