International Exchanges for Aspiring Students in Engineering Field

  • Received : 2011.10.04
  • Accepted : 2012.07.17
  • Published : 2012.07.31


In 1996, the Faculty of Engineering, Niigata University, Japan entered an era of open student-exchange with Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany. Thus far, more than 50 of our students have devoted anywhere from three months, to an entire year of their courses, to collaborative efforts with fellow students, (-and some cases, the local citizenry) -in their native environment experiencing unfamiliar education systems and cultures.



  1. Takashi Sato, Christine Sobczyk, Shuichi Sakamoto, Nozomu Ishii, Yuji Tanabe, Masaki Goda, Takeo Maruyama, Tomiichi Hasegawa, Hideo Ohkawa, and Lutz Wisweh, "DIFFERENCES OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION SYSTEMS BETWEEN JAPAN AND GERMANY-CONSIDERATION ABOUT "BEFORE AND AFTER GRADUATION"-", 11th WCCEE (2008).
  2. Takashi Sato, Shuichi Sakamoto, Tadaaki Shimizu, Takamasa Suzuki, Hiroyasu Iwabe, Tetsuo Oka, Yuji Tanabe, Hideo Ohkawa, and Lutz Wisweh, "Discussion about Engineering Education in Japanese University from the International Point of View", Proc. 12th WCCEE: 048 (2010).
  3. Takashi Sato, Lutz Wisweh, Shuichi Sakamoto, Tadaaki Shimizu, Takamasa Suzuki, Hideki Ikeda, Tetsuo Oka, Yuji Tanabe, and Hideo Ohkawa, "International Cooperative Activities for the Engineering Education between Ottovon- Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, and Niigata University, Japan", Proceedings of ACEE 2009: 122-123 (2009).
  4. Takashi Sato, Lutz Wisweh, Shuichi Sakamoto, Tadaaki Shimizu, Hideki Ikeda, Tetsuo Oka, and Yuji Tanabe, "International Cooperative Activities for the Engineering Education between Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany, and Niigata University, Japan", Journal of Engineering Education Research, 13(5): 49-54 (2010).