공학인 대상 ${\ll}$공적 말하기${\gg}$ 교육의 만족도와 학습자 요구 분석 사례 연구

A Case Study on Learning Satisfaction and Learners' Needs Towards ${\ll}$Public Speaking${\gg}$ Course at Pusan National University

  • 황순희 (부산대학교 교육인증지원센터)
  • Hwang, Soon-Hee (Center for Education Accreditation, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2012.04.03
  • 심사 : 2012.05.21
  • 발행 : 2012.05.31


The purpose of this paper is to verify the education effects of program for engineering students and extract the essential components to be included in the learning contents. For this, we investigated the lecture contents critically and analyzed the evaluation result of questionnaire to examine the students' learning satisfaction and learners' needs concerning the effectiveness of course. The survey using two types of questionnaires was conducted with 210 junior and senior students taking lectures of ${\ll}$Presentation and Debate Skills${\gg}$ in the college of engineering at Pusan National University. According to the evaluation result, students experienced various speech education's effects concerning (1) verbal components, (2) non-verbal components, (3) problem solving competence, (4) teamwork skills, etc. On the other side there have been pointed out as problems in the ${\ll}$Presentation and Debate Skills${\gg}$ class, such as (1) a large number of assignments, (2) insufficiency of more refined evaluation method for the individuals and (3) a well-balanced arrangement between 'theory' and 'practice' was needed. However more importantly, the individual students can not do practice sufficiently owing to the large scale of class. Therefore the various and effective ways to help students improve their communicative competence have to be developed further. Finally, there have been extracted several essential components to be included in the class and implications for ameliorating the class were discussed and suggested in detail.



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