재혼가족의 레질리언스 강화를 위한 실천모형 기초연구

A Practice Model for Strengthening Resilience among Remarried Families

  • 김유정 (경성대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 투고 : 2011.05.16
  • 심사 : 2012.08.27
  • 발행 : 2012.08.31


Remarriage has been prevalent in Korea since the mid-1990s. Remarried families have reported that they face many challenges and difficulties. Life for those who remarry can worsen when the children from a previous marriage live together with new family members. It is interesting that some remarried families adjust well while others do not. This study focuses on developing a practice model for strengthening the resilience of remarried families with children based on a literature review. To understand and support remarried families, the resilience perspective was chosen, focusing on a strengths perspective with developmental, ecological, and preventative perspectives. In terms of resilience, the proposed practice model was developed on the basis of three concepts: belief systems, organizational patterns, and communication. The model can be used to help remarried families accomplish adequate integration by growing as a new family and can prevent another divorce. Moreover, it can assist practitioners and policy-makers develop programs and policies with a strengths perspective rather than a deficit or problem-oriented perspective. Based on the model, various programs need to be developed to strengthen the resilience of remarried families. The development of supportive programs is suggested. These can include remarriage preparation programs, remarriage life education programs, interactive web-based programs, and family camps. For a long time, remarried families have been labeled as abnormal and atypical owing to the normal family myth. This negative perception of remarried families must be altered so that they are accepted with a positive outlook in a society. For further studies, the development of diverse supportive adaptation programs for various types of remarried families and active research on them are recommended. The practice model can assist with the adaptation and growth of remarried families by strengthening their resilience.



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