Features of High School Students' Components of Conceptual Ecologies

  • Received : 2012.02.26
  • Accepted : 2012.04.05
  • Published : 2012.06.30


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between selected components of conceptual ecology that are reflected in high school science students' statements, when answering questions. This study follows from a position that there is reason to believe that, in the process of answering questions, many aspects of conceptual ecology are likely to play a role. Data were gathered through six audio-taped interviews, the science teacher's profiles of each student, the students' personal journals, their assignments, and their examinations and participation in class. Kay and KY were selected as the focus of this study because theirs were both dramatic as well as representative cases. As the findings suggest, learning styles differ according to distinctions within individuals' conceptual ecologies. Thus the way in which a person learns science varies according to the construction of her/his conceptual ecology. This suggests that different forms of pedagogy may be effective with different types of learners. This also suggests that science educators may have a role in assisting students to develop into constructed, rather than received, learners.



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