Motion Analysis and EMG Analysis of the Pelvis and Lower Extremity according to the Width Variation of the Base of Support

  • Received : 2011.10.15
  • Accepted : 2012.02.21
  • Published : 2012.03.31


The purpose of this study is to identify which width of the base of support(BOS) is safer and more effective in lifting by comparing muscle activations and body sways when lifting objects under the width variation of the BOS. A total of fifteen healthy adults participated in this study. For the width variation of the BOS, the participants changed the width between their feet into three different types(10cm, 32cm, 45cm) and lifted a 10kg four times in each type after going up on a force plate. In order to measure body sways according to the width variation of the BOS, a motion analysis system was used. In addition, in order to measure the muscle activations of lower extremities, including the erector spinae, gluteus maximus, rectus femoris, and tibialis anterior, an electromyogram(EMG) analysis was employed. In addition, the Borg's scale was drawn by quantifying the subjective discomfort levels felt from each width of the BOS. In conclusion, no statistically significant differences according to the width variation of the BOS were observed(p=.295, .308)(p>.05). However, a statistically significant difference was exhibited between the Borg's scale, which indicates the discomfort levels from lifting performances, and the width variation of the BOS (p=$.000^*$).



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